Humans often neglect to realise the reality of living as they grow in their capacity for understanding and thinking. The world around us is broadening its ways day by day, and companies and opportunities are developing with it. There are occasionally new methods or educational opportunities that provide detailed information. But in between everything, we forget how to live our lives and how we used to live them. Competition is another term that is quite vague. Every person is smart and gains knowledge about something, which is far from better. But we often neglect ourselves in the rush to get a job after graduation or after post-graduation, in creating resumes and cover letters, and in acquiring new skills and information. We forget a little bit of ourselves in the journey of making someone happy. We add outstanding skills to resumes and cover letters. But what would you say if someone asked, "Define yourself?"
It is a good thing that people still care about and are afraid of their professional lives, but what about their personal lives? Some people live between computers and desktops, some between papers, and some between pens and books. It is certainly critical, but it is also necessary to pay oneself "attention to detail." Someday, when you look back, you will be happy that you’ve come so far in your professional life, but you will also see that you missed parts of yourself coming this far. It is crucial to know that in life, everything should be balanced and organised in a certain way. An excess of something will cost you everything. Reading is one of the wisest habits one can build, but it also creates illusions. Better put, it's a delusion in your life. When we read something inspiring, a thought pops up in the back of our heads. We make the decision that the more we struggle and suffer, the more we'll lead a valuable and successful life. It is one of the reasons people overwork and overschedule.
But the reality is that the more you suffer, the more suffering you will face. There is a reason why Allen F. Morgenstern said, "Work smarter, not harder." It is relevant to manage your time and your life equally, even if it is tiring. It's not like humans are made for struggle; they are made for one more purpose, and that is "to live a beautiful life that is emotionally rich" as much as possible. Your mental health is as important as your work.

While your professional life is important to building the future you are rooting for, it should not be your whole life. Nowadays, as I see it, people who have just graduated are worried about finding a job because, in a society where the definition of success is getting a job, people also pressure and judge a fresher who does not get a job. How can someone live there when failure is defined by not getting a job? A job is important, but making it your entire life or measuring the scale of someone’s success on the basis of their abilities is not a terrific idea. Over 3,000 people commit suicide every year due to unemployment. Your definition of success should not be defined by others' unsolicited opinions and comments. Everyone's definition of a happy life is different. Everyone is living a different life, and it should not be an issue that someone's success looks great and yours does not. For some, it looks like starting a new small business. For some, it means leaving a job and focusing on their well-being. As Jaachynma N.E. Agu said, "Don't base your goals on what other people think is important."
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