Life is Short


It is not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.  Adlai Stevenson

You will always come across quotes that are carved and worded to show how life is too short to be fulfilled with the aspirations and time we have. Every time you go through social media and other apps that create motivation in some way, And I believe we are living in fiction. The illusion that life has become too short to be lived and the myth that you can have limitless dreams until you hit a certain age

I believe that life is never too short to be lived; rather, life is as long as you choose to spend it. The social media we use every day has created a phobia in our lives since it never exposes what's beyond it or what the narrative behind it is, which is why we constantly aim to be flawless and prosperous. The age of the internet has transformed the art of life into a show. You exhibit acting on stage rather than in real life. 

We've all dreamed of doing this and becoming that eventually, but in continual thinking, you also plan and create objectives according to your schedule so you don't forget what you wanted to do earlier. But then you realised, "Do I have time for all of this?" I suppose everyone has time for all they want to achieve, but the fear of being judged and embarrassed is too much to bear and prevents us from succeeding. If you feel that learning has no age, you should live by that belief.

Your life has it all—ups and downs, tears and cheers, conflicts and agreements—but don't let this stop you from accomplishing what you've been working on for so long. Do it even if you're in your 50s, 60s, or 70s. Because that's why you planned it, why you wrote those objectives down in your journal, a phone notebook, or visualised them: to do it for the rest of your life. Our lives never come to an end, and people never stop dreaming, so why do you restrict yourself from reaching the end of them?



"Beware the barrenness of a busy life," advises Socrates.

During hectic times, we must ensure that we are not merely spinning our wheels and missing out on the benefits of living in the now. In his attempt to achieve anything in the future, one becomes dazzled by ambition, and he overlooks what 'is.' They miss the nature of existence, that there is no use in pursuing something that doesn't exist. If you do want to run, run now; sweat now; the experience is now; nothing in life can be postponed. Nature does not wait; all of it is available in the present moment.

It's a widely held belief that after five years, you must be in a position where people will know you. People make up society, and those many people educate how to live life to the utmost. Isn't it delicate that humans spend their time designing and developing someone else's life rather than their own?


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