In a world where a point of view, perspective, or outlook matters, we, the very creatures of the earth, often dwell on the opinions of others. Validation is not something we seek in the outer world but within ourselves and, as we say, our gut feelings. Among all these things, we follow popular and unpopular opinions in our lives. And my apologies for saying that we humans waste half of our lives seeking validation; however, as I stated earlier, the actions you seek outside are within you.

I remember reading the book, and the words that kept me sane were that we are all different in every way of life. Our fingerprints to footprints, eyes to toes—everything is different, yet we compare ourselves to those who don’t know us or who don’t owe us anything. When you are comparing yourself to someone, remind yourself that someone out there is comparing themselves to you and your life. What you have is a privilege others seek, and what others have is a privilege you seek. It’s an endless cycle of life. We never get tired of it, but you have to end it anyway to accept yourself. The opinions and validation we have of others and what others have of us do not matter as long as you know yourself. It is an important part of life to "know yourself," because the battle you fight every day is not theirs to solve, and the battle they fight is not yours. So, what is the point of comparing, and how is it necessary to live the life you want?

Opinions are often what keep us from keeping relationships; the insecurity they create within us makes us question everything and everyone. It does not matter how much you love yourself and how much others see good in you if you are stuck on someone’s opinion that you are bad. The thought of "what if all of them think the same and they are just nice enough to not say it to my face" is not far enough. It is not about an overthinker; even the simplest of human beings get caught in this if someone does not have a wise opinion of them.

It’s okay to have a different point of view than others; you can take criticism as much as you want, but to agree or disagree on that is your responsibility, whether you want to take it and sit in the corner sulking or disagree with what others have to say about you and move on. Our lives are, as far as everyone is concerned, not a book or a journal that someone gives a review about. So, don't let anyone criticise you to the point where you think it's your job to get a "second opinion."


We often think that validation is important as it defines us as humans in this society. Let me tell you, even if someone does not validate your presence, you are still a human with flesh and blood and all the talents you have. "What you seek is seeking you." This statement is true in every way. If you are validated by other humans, there is a chance someone might be waiting for you to validate themselves. As I said, it’s an endless cycle.

And it is as important as having people or best friends in your life to break this cycle if you want to live a life. Because the happiness in finding validation and opinions is far greater than the happiness in knowing yourself enough to not care what the world thinks of you. Because it is the time when we live up to the words we say we follow in our lives.

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