We often read quotes and different types of books to get inspired in our lives. Inspiration is the process of doing something enthusiastically and motivationally. Nowadays, inspiration can be found in little things like books, documentaries, videos, articles, and many more. But when does a person need to get inspired, and why? People often go through a phase of life when they think it’s all over, but the reality is that it was started in the first place. We often stop doing work when we get our hundredth failure and think it’s not worth it, but when you don’t get tired of doing it a hundred times, it may be that 101 makes it work and you make it to the tunnel where the light is blinking.

We think of inspiration as a box of chocolates that a child carries everywhere. When things don’t work, he eats one of them to boost his self-esteem, unaware of the fact that excess of anything is not good. How often do we think we need motivation and inspiration from someone who faces the same challenges and circumstances as us? much more often because we think they tell us the secret of their essence. But it’s not true; they will teach you what they learned through their journey. We often procrastinate the cycle of work we are doing by watching inspirational videos. And we waste our time thinking, How did they get there?

We think that it’s not our job to do the work because we've already made up our minds that they are motivational speakers. Yes, they are motivational speakers, but they got there because they wanted to; they didn’t procrastinate their work. They got inspiration from small things in their day-to-day lives. Have you heard the term "loop hole"? It never ends; it goes on infinitely. And we are people stuck in that loophole. We see inspirational people inspiring us with their own journeys through life.

I don’t mean to sound negative about inspiration. It is a good thing to see inspiration come from contemplating those affirmations and working on them. Sometimes we get stuck in a phase when someone can’t think properly or when something is not working according to what we thought.

We've all been through that phase, and we have to go through this alone. I was in that too, when I couldn’t think properly about things and work. That’s why I walked, and I walked so much. Every day I used to walk 5 km without eating anything, and I ended up losing my appetite. But at some point I thought it wasn't worth my thinking because things will work as they want to; we can’t force things to work and have lost our appetite, but we often work hard on them. After that, I read a quote somewhere that I really liked and that everyone should look at and understand what meaning it carries. It’s by Robert Frost: "In three words, I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life—it goes on." And it's true—we can’t stop things no matter how much we try or how much we think they will go on.

I think it is in our subconscious that we think we need inspiration from someone who has been through a lot. We are all someone’s inspiration. In 5 or 10 years, some of you will be motivational speakers—someone’s voice, someone’s ears, someone’s eyes. There are a lot of people going through circumstances who still get up every morning and go to work, and that keeps them awake and alive. 

There are a lot of people who started late but were successful, and there are some people who started early but got success very late. Some of them do very hard work and don’t get results, and some don’t really do work but get results. This is how it is: do what you do and love what you do. The right time will arrive.

There are a lot of people with so many special needs who are still doing great, and one of them is Sparsh Shah, who said, "I don’t see myself as disabled. Most people with disabilities always keep thinking about their disability, and that makes others think about it too." And it's beautiful that you decide how you want to be treated by people and how you want to be seen.

They treat you as you show them you are. So, if you show them you are strong enough to be alone, they will treat you better. And if you show them what you think about yourself and your insecurities, they will treat you as they treat others.

It’s not what you think it is; it depends on you and what you think they think it is. You can’t dwell on the past and think of the future. It all depends on what you do today. Live. Learn. Let go.


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  1. This is so beautifully written ❤

  2. Very nice gud👍👍

  3. Very gud 👌👌

  4. To be honest before reading this I was full of negativity but now m Feeling some positive vibes ❤️❤️❤️

  5. It goes on
    Live learn let go
    op writing skills
    Keep. Writing 🙂

  6. You write such good poems that make my day ! Thank you for writing this one .

  7. Nice and beautiful words carry on my dear daughter ...Papaji 💐👍😊🎂🎂

  8. Awesome words dear mansi good job wel done ......Papa ji


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