Beauty is not defined what we see in a person but in heart,
It's always the heart and always will be,
somehow we forget how to define it,
Looks doesn't matter, does it?
We all are covered with all this questions like a Saran wrap,
But really how you define it?
Beauty is only thing that is measure in person,
Isn't it?
We all know truths yet we deny to fit in,
But beauty comes from heart,
How good are you?
How you want someone to be good?
Living in a world of so much criticized society,
we always contemplate what if that doesn't matter,
But hiding from reality doesn't make it generous and honest,
It makes it worse, people are not learning they are ignoring,
Beauty is like child wishing for what he don't have, Ignoring what he had,
It is much more than a word and a definition,
It can not be defined but seen, 
It cannot be praised, but worshiped,
Because it's not a person what beholds it,
It's eyes of and heart of the person who defines it,
You know you are goddess and god if you see it with eyes worth,
But you are simple person if you just see,
Yet we need vision to eyes to behold that beauty.



  1. Today in morning I read your 1st poem and thinking that when you'll be uploading the next one ! And today you uploaded 💖.
    It's always good to read a poem written by you. Keep going writer & be positive always.
    This time too your poem have a hidden message .
    You write extremely good ones 💖.
    God bless you

  2. beauty is a light in a heart❤well said ...

  3. Ohhh my gosh it’s totally ❤️You define beauty so well keep it up!

  4. Good words choosing by young poet
    Poet may be old by age but poet fills young by heart.........Papa ji,

  5. Veryyyyy beautifully penned!! ❤❤🌸🌸

  6. Very nice👌👌👌

  7. I must say, you poured out your heart while writing this blog. Beautiful it is! here


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