Today I choose to write to you, my crush,
Now that I am confusing my pen with a brush,
There are so many things to ask and to tell,
But i am afraid what if you yell?
There are so many things I admire about you.
But the thing is, there is one thing I really wanted to tell you.
I don't know why you don't look at me the way I do.
Yet i respect our friendship, but deep inside I always wanted to say I do.
I think you like someone else,
That's why i am unreachable in your cell.
But it's okay; I am fine, and I know where I have to stand.
And you know where you want to land,
That's how our life is going to be,
I think I am just a wannabe.
Now I am going to end this letter,
The only thing I do better.


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