She is the colourful rainbow in the world of black and white,
She is the only fan of Shinchan and Doremon in the crowd of money heist,
She will give you the funniest, lamest answer during any conversation,
Yet you will start laughing like that was a relaxation,
Somewhere in her heart and mind, she will understand you as nobody else will,
And if you crack a bad joke, you're a victim, and she is going to kill,
She shares memes and makes random videos, and maybe one day she will post them.
But always, like a memory, laugh a little bit,
She is like a free cloud in a sky full of thunderstorms,
And another day you will find her walking alone,
She will sing you Shinhan and Doremon songs like kindergarten rhymes,
But you will never understand that that's one thing that makes her happy when she finds her partner in crime,
Though she always says, "I don't care anymore,
But no one loves you like you and will always say, "I love you more,
She is the one with whom I follow a brother code as well as a sister code.
And she will make you believe friendship is everything and love is more of a myth,
Somewhere you will find her talking nonsense and giving grumpy recipes,
If not you, who will keep out legacies?
She is the most beautiful girl I have met,
A full package of true friends one will ever get.


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